Saturday, June 26, 2010


Throughout history, various people and societies have foreseen the end of the world. Thus far, none of these predictions have proved to be true, as we are obviously still alive. However, we have yet to live through one of the most popular declarations of the end of the world: December 21, 2012. The Mayan calendar ends on this date and therefore many believe that humanity will die and the Earth, as we know it, will cease to exist. This date inspires fear in many and is commonly discussed, especially after the release of the movie 2012. Some reject this belief as ridiculous and impossible. However, something about 2012 evokes feelings of uneasiness and foreboding. Although it seems unlikely, this date makes me a little nervous and I, for one, will certainly be happy on December 22, 2012.

The possibility of catastrophe reaching all of humanity on one single day is obviously unlikely, almost impossible. However, this is what some believe will happen to our earth on the day the Mayan calendar ends. While scientific evidence for this prediction is nonexistent, many people count themselves as believers in the 2012 phenomenon or at least feel anxious at the thought of this day. Why? Why should anyone believe in this ridiculous idea that has absolutely no evidence to support it. We, as humans, are fascinated by mystical happenings and peculiar things interest us. With all we have accomplished in this age of technology and discovery, we are able to believe that anything is possible. Things that were once considered beyond the bounds of possibility are now feasible. Our minds are open, even to what may seem absurd. All of us want to and can believe in the seemingly impossible, even if it is a terrifying prospect, as in the case of 2012. Always looking towards things that are magical and extraordinary, the 2012 phenomenon interests us and we simply want to believe in the unlikely.

What do you think? What are your thoughts on 2012?

- Olivia


  1. 2012 is just another year.

    The Moon
    on a cat


    My Poems


    - Peter Ingestad, Sweden

  2. i believe in 2012. it will happen. i just know it will. guess i believe in the "seemingly impossible!

  3. Honestly, how could anyone believe in 2012? Obviously it is not real. I have some advice for anyone who believes in 2012: see a psychologist!

  4. 2012 is exciting! honestly im kind of looking forward to it

  5. wow! great post! very well written and interesting! personally, im a little scared too! yikes!

  6. 2012 is a wack idea, but who knows anything could happen, even though its scary

  7. No matter if we believe in 2012 or not, it's still frightening as heck

  8. I think that 2012 marks the start of something new. now whether that is the end of the world or just a slight change in everyday life, I remain undecided. I do not think that what happens in the movie 2012 has anything to do with what will really happen, but I think a good thing to think about is this: what would you *want* to happen in 2012?

  9. nicki minaj believes in 2012...........
